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The following are general guidelines, written for our patients who enjoy good health, or whose health conditions are stable, who wish to undergo amalgam removal as part of a comprehensive detoxification/nutritional optimization program.  More aggressive measures may be appropriate for ill or medically compromised patients.  Again, these are general guidelines, which we will individualize to your personal health status.

Mercury is a toxic substance, actually one of the most toxic substances on the planet.  Your body has no use for mercury; it is a pure toxin.  The scientific literature is clear - even low levels of mercury exposure compromise the health of children, adults, and the unborn.  We don’t care where the mercury came from (fish, vaccines, or amalgam fillings – which are 50% elemental mercury), nor are we interested in attributing blame to any one individual, industry, or institution.  What we care about is helping your body rid itself of this terrible substance.  The toxicology literature tells us that 2/3rds of the mercury present in amalgam bearing Americans originates in their fillings, from which Mercury is constantly being off gassed.  Tissue levels in adults, children, breast milk, and in the unborn correlate directly with the number of mercury fillings present (that’s right, your baby’s brain mercury level rises with the number of amalgam fillings that you bear).  Any professional who tells you that mercury is “locked in” the amalgam, or that “amalgam fillings are safe” is not a professional who you should be working with.  Remember, mercury originating from amalgams placed in your daughters is mercury in the brains of your future grandchildren.  Amalgam mercury is a crazy idea, the safety of which has never been proven (nor even looked at, as we would today if amalgam fillings were introduced as a new procedure).  Fortunately, there are knowledgeable, well-read dental professionals who will help you – men and women with enough personal strength to do the right thing despite intensive peer pressure to go along with American Dental Association doctrine.  For the science on mercury, its sources, and how it compromises your biochemistry and your health, please review our four-hour YouTube presentation on mercury (which can be accessed through  The following general guidelines pertain to patient preparation and management in regards to the amalgam removal process.

Initial patient preparation:  Well before you even consider having your amalgams removed, the following basic steps should be taken (and are a plus for your overall health).
A.  Optimize endogenous excretory routes – Toxins leave your body via the kidneys, liver, GI tract, and via sweat.  At a minimum, we need to check your liver and kidney chemistries, address any abnormalities present and/or add in the appropriate supplements.  You should be moving your bowels 2-3 times a day; if not we need to address this.  Remember, if your excretory routes are clogged, we can chelate you all we want, but the toxins will not leave your body.
B. Optimize your nutritional status – We want to get the bad stuff out, but first we need to get the good stuff in (the vitamins, minerals, detoxifiers, and cell membrane lipids that Mother Nature intends we possess).  Actually, we need to go a little beyond her recommendations, because mercury has kicked out or bound up several key nutritionals, notable selenium, glutathione, and magnesium.  The basic approach is to begin a 6-a-day multi (taken as two with meals), with additional magnesium and a program of essential fatty acids (see appendix and/or our YouTube presentations on antioxidants and fish oil).  Better yet, after you have been on a nutritional program for several months, we can evaluate its adequacy with a Metabolics nutritional assessment.  Gaps in your nutritional defenses should and can be addressed.
C.  Hydrate yourself – Drink three quarts of spring or alkaline water (at the office we use the Athena water purifier/alkalinizer) every day.
D. Genomic assessment – Genomic testing is now relatively non-expensive, and may tell us why you are sick while your neighbors and co-workers are not.  The environment is toxic, but those of us with Methyl Cycle, Detoxification, and Oxidative Stress down regulations (sluggish function) seem to be more susceptible to environmental toxicity than those of us not so genetically challenged.  Methyl Cycle testing will also guide our choice of metal detoxifying (chelating) agents (those of you with trans-sulfuration abnormalities will have trouble tolerating sulfur bearing chelating agents such as DMPS and DMSA).  Methyl Cycle genomic testing is discussed in detail on the website.
 E. Estimate of metal burden – Before you begin detoxification, it helps to establish your baseline level of toxicity.  Blood tests are of no value – they reflect recent exposure - but correlate poorly with tissue or body burden.  Our best measure (and admittedly not a perfect one) is a provoked urine metal determination.  Here you receive one or more metal binders (chelators), followed by laboratory analysis of toxic metal levels in a subsequent “provoked” urine sample.  In the office we use IV EDTA along with oral DMSA, Vitamin C, and Med Five (oral EDTA).  A challenge test utilizing 2000 mg of DMSA can be done at home.  After we establish your baseline, a chelation program individualized to your metal burden and your health status will be initiated.  Periodically we can repeat your provoked metal study to gauge progress and to assess the thoroughness of your detoxification program.

Pre-amalgam removal detoxification:  Start this program several months before your amalgams are removed, adding it onto your established nutritional regimen.  While your program will be tailored to fit your personal health and genomic status, one or more of the following measures will be recommended.
1. Chlorella five tabs chewed up and swallowed twice a day (felt to help mobilize mercury, making it more available to the chelators).  Many vendors provide chlorella.  The Allergy Research Group preparation is known as King Chlorella.
2.  DMSA has a 40-year track record of efficacy and safety this is how you treat kids with lead overload).  Our patients take DMSA three times a day, three consecutive days, once a month (starting at 100 mg/dose and working up to 300-400 mg/dose).
3.  It is best to take your chelators at least 30 minutes apart from one another, and at least 30 minutes prior to meals (but I’d rather have you take them together rather than not take them at all).
4. Do not take Vitamin C the morning of amalgam removal (it is such a powerful detoxifier that your dentist may have trouble numbing you up).

Amalgam removal: 
1. Schedule DMSA such that amalgam removal is carried out on day two of your three-day cycle.
2. Immediately following amalgam removal, chew up, swish, and then spit out one chlorella tablet.
3. Following amalgam removal, if logistically possible, receive an IV treatment, aiming to bind up or neutralize the mercury off gassed from your amalgams as they were removed.  Depending upon our knowledge of your physiology we may use DMPS, EDTA (a poor tissue mercury chelator but effective in scarfing up mercury in the blood), or Vitamin C with glutathione.
4. Your Biological Dentist may have his/her own protective program and if so we will defer to their judgment.
5. The following day resume your usual pre-amalgam removal program.

Subsequent Amalgam removal visits: 
1. Amalgams are rarely removal all at once (the procedure would take too long and you would be exposed to too much mercury vapor).  Often, biological dentists will remove amalgams one quadrant at a time.  Follow the amalgam removal day protocol with each round of amalgam removal.
2.  There is a weekly immune system cycle, and many authorities recommend against amalgam removal exactly one week apart.

Post - Amalgam removal detoxification:  The primary source of mercury exposure has been removed, you are watching your fish intake (especially fresh water), and insisting on mercury (thimerosal) free vaccines, but our work is not complete.  It is nowhere near complete, because the half-life of mercury within your body is 10-20 years!  That’s right, is we do nothing more than remove your fillings, the content of mercury within your body will fall by 50% in 1-2 decades.  Mother Nature didn’t design us to deal with mercury so she needs some help.   
1. Continue with chlorella supplementation for three months.
2. Continue with oral DMSA, or at this point you could switch to oral DMPS (stronger chelator) at a dose of 125 mg every other day (DMPS will enter the saliva so we do not use it if amalgams are still in place).
3.  Keep up with your nutritional supplements, particularly the minerals, as they may be “drawn out” along with the mercury and other toxins removed in this process.
4. Your post-challenge urine metal levels and nutritional status will be rechecked, typically 6 months following amalgam removal and again one year later. 

The best time to have your amalgams removed is well before you become ill.  The sicker you are, the more difficult will be the detoxification process, and the longer it will take to optimize your health.

While mercury is a major toxin, it is not the only toxin, nor is mercury the only cause of ill health.  Thus, we view mercury detoxification not as a mono-therapy, but rather as one component of a comprehensive health care program.

Appendix I, Nutritional Support:  For nutritional support in preparation for amalgam removal/mercury detox I recommend:
1. A 6-a-day multi, such as Douglas Labs’ Basic Preventive V, or a similar preparation in relation to your health status.
2. Magnesium such as ReMag ˝ tsp. in water twice a day or MagSpectrum 1 three times a day.
3. Fish Oil, 2 gelcaps each day, ideally combined with GLA (gamma linolenic acid, from evening primrose or borage seed oil) 260-300 mg/day.

Appendix II, picking a Dentist:  If you are ill or medically frail with a chronic illness, it is best to work with a committed biological dentist, one affiliated with the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (, or a related Mercury Free Dentistry group.  If you are young and healthy, and wish to undergo amalgam removal as part of a pre-emptive health optimization program (as I and my family did), then your personal dentist can remove your amalgams, provided he or she is intellectually on board with you.  You do not want your amalgams to be removed by a dentist who does not understand the problem.  You do not want to work with a dentist who will not take steps to protect you from the mercury vapor off gassed during the amalgam removal process, and who might leave some mercury behind.  American dentists are in a difficult position.  Everyone with half a brain knows that mercury is toxic and that mercury is constantly being off gassed from amalgam fillings, but the American Dental Association is sticking to the position that amalgam mercury is safe.  Dentists smart enough and strong enough to ignore the peer pressure have been subject to regulatory sanctions (although this time has passed).  The problem for the ADA, I believe, is one of liability.  If they do an about face and state publicly that amalgam mercury is unsafe, the trial lawyers will crucify them along with the pro-mercury dentists.  This is the same reason, in my opinion, that mercury is still being used in vaccines.  The solution (my opinion again) is for Congress to pass laws forbidding the use of mercury in dentistry and in vaccines.  This way the ADA, vaccine manufacturers, and dentists can stop using mercury, without leaving themselves open to liability issues.

                                                                                                                                                                               James C. Roberts MD FACC FAARFM      12/23/23