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Audio-Visual Presentations

Twenty years ago we began to provide yearly, ten session, Integrative Cardiology presentations, designed for our patients and other interested parties.  Over the past ten years we have relied on DVDs, either videos of my presentations or studio recorded projects, to convey information to our patients and other interested parties.  This approach is time consuming and expensive. PowerPoint 2016 allows me to create voice over PowerPoint presentations at home, at my leisure, and with negligible cost.  Thus I am in the process of creating voice over PowerPoints corresponding to the 20 hours of presentation that was given at Integrative Medicine training programs in 2017. Later, I will update some of our older DVD presentations within this format.  The 2017 presentations are designed for Integrative Practitioners.  Some of the biology will be new to you.  Memorizing the details is not important, but I want all of you to understand the science behind my recommendations.   A listing of new and old presentations is given below. Or, you can click on Dr. Roberts' U-Tube Page for access to these presentations. 

Ouabain (Stropanthin-G) in Cardiovascular Medicine - Integrative Practitioner Version
Ouabain serves as an effective, negligible risk approach to coronary insufficiency, microvascular ischemia, atrial arrhythmia, and heart failure.  Ouabain, an endogenous adrenal/hypothalamic hormone, interacts with a specific cell membrane receptor (Sodium/Potassium ATPase), to govern multiple aspects of CV biology.  Hyperinsulinemia (diabesity), catecholamine (adrenalin), and oxidative stress states inhibit ATPase activity, compromising CV health.  Ouabain supplementation restores ATPase expression, improving CV function and attenuating symptoms in a fashion that cannot be recapitulated by man-made molecules.  This presentation, designed for the Integrative Practitioner, will review the physiology and history of Ouabain and present case studies and clinical trials documenting Ouabain safety and efficacy.

Polyenylphosphatidylcholine (PPC) in Cardiovascular Disease and Integrative Medicine - Part One
PPC is our most effective anti-atherosclerotic therapy.  Administered orally or IV, PPC is taken up by the HDL particle, where it stimulates removal of cholesterol from the vascular wall.  PPC thus promotes reverse cholesterol transport, regressing plaque and improving blood flow.  PPC will also be taken up by every cell in the body, where it improves cell membrane function and provides protective anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory effects.  PPC can be sonicated, and then admixed with the metal chelator EDTA, allowing for concomitant metal detoxification.  Clinical trials documenting the benefit of PPC in lipid reduction and vascular disease will be presented, along with case studies.

Polyenylphosphatidylcholine (PPC) in Cardiovascular Disease and Integrative Medicine - Part Two
Part two will explore the anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, and cell protective effects of PPC.  Benefits of PPC in GI tract and liver disease states will be discussed, along with potential benefits of PPC in neurologic disease, cancer prevention, and as an anti-aging therapy.

CardioRheumatology - Focus on Colchicine (Fall 2017)  
CardioRheumatology relates to the repurposing of agents traditionally used by the Rheumatologist in the treatment of joint disease (Colchicine, Allopurinol, Condroitin Sulfate, and Methotrexate) instead to resolve the oxidative and inflammatory stress that underlies and drives cardiovascular disease, and age-related degenerative disease in general.  Unstable coronary disease and acute gout share a common pathophysiology, one that we can block with Colchicine.  Learn how we can use Colchicine to lower CRP and other inflammatory mediators in acute and chronic coronary disease, help prevent recurrent atrial fib following ablation, and to dramatically decrease the risk of heart attack and stroke in our patients.

CardioRheumatology - Focus on Allopurinol (Fall 2017)  
Allopurinol blocks Xanthine Oxidase, the enzyme that converts Adenosine (generated when ATP energy recycling falters) to Uric Acid, in this process wasting Oxygen and generating Superoxide free radical. Xanthine Oxidase activity is up regulated in coronary insufficiency, heart failure, fatty liver, diabetes, and in other dysmetabolic conditions characterized by oxygen deficiency, inflammation, and oxidative stress.  Allopurinol blocks Xanthine Oxidase activity, sparing oxygen and blunting superoxide generation.  Learn how we can use Allopurinol to relieve symptoms of coronary insufficiency, and improve outcome following heart attack, acute coronary revascularization, and bypass surgery. Allopurinol protects us from oxidative stress; thus Allopurinol will protects us from vascular disease and kidney disease progression.  Allopurinol attenuates all components of the Metabolic Syndrome, which itself is driven by oxidative stress.

CardioRheumatology - Focus on Chondroitin Sulfate (Fall 2017)  
Chondroitin Sulfate blunts Nuclear Kappa Beta translocation, thus blunting the inflammation that characterizes atherosclerosis and autoimmune disease states.  Chondroitin Sulfate also blocks LDL trapping within the vascular wall. Learn how we can use Chondroitin Sulfate to protect against heart attack and stroke, along with the potential value of Chondroitin Sulfate in Psoriasis, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, and other inflammatory conditions.   

Chelation Therapy in Cardiovascular and Renal Disease - Fall 2017 ACIM Meeting     
Recent studies supporting the use of EDTA Chelation therapy in the treatment of coronary disease and kidney disease are presented.

Lumbrokinase - Spring 2015 Advanced Integrative Cardiology Module 16E; Fellowship in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine
Lumbrokinase degrades fibrinogen and fibrin clot, in a fashion that does not increase bleeding risk.  Learn how we can use Lumbrokinase to regress plaque and improve outcome following stroke, and to attenuate symptoms and improve functional status in stable and unstable coronary insufficiency.

Integrative Cardiology for the Chelation Physician - Fall 2017 ACAM Chelation Therapy training course.
This is a ten hour overview of Integrative Cardiology, designed for physicians who are learning the science of Chelation Therapy (stated otherwise, this is everything else that we do within the scope of Integrative Cardiology).  The presentation is divided in to five segments, as listed below.

Integrative Cardiology for the Chelation Physician - Part One
Part One covers the key concepts of Oxidative Stress, Inflammatory Stress, and Immune Dysregulation.  The cause(s) of hyperlipidemia are discussed, as well as the rationale for lipid lowering therapy.  Endothelial Function  and Carotid Artery Intima-Media Thickness (IMT) are discussed as key physiologic indicators of vascular health.  The roles of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme inhibition (ACEI) and Beta-Blocker therapy are discussed.

Integrative Cardiology for the Chelation Physician - Part Two
Part Two covers CardioRheumatology (Colchicine, Allopurinol, and Chondroitin Sulfate) as a means of attenuating the oxidative and inflammatory stress that initiates and drives forward Cardiovascular and Kidney disease, and then summarizes the main points of Parts One and Two.

Integrative Cardiology for the Chelation Physician - Part Three
Part Three starts with an in depth description of our multimodal, integrative approach to Oxidative Stress.  This is followed by brief discussions of Fish Oil supplementation, Vitamin D, Vitamin K2 to prevent vascular calcification, EECP, Lipoprotein(a), Testosterone, and Lumbrokinase.

Integrative Cardiology for the Chelation Physician - Part Four
Part Four starts with a discussion on the use of Berberine in Integrative Cardiology (much more on Berberine below).  "Bioenergetic Support for the Tired and Energy Starved Heart" covers nutritional approaches to optimize Mitochondrial Function and Cardiac Performance (Co-Enzyme Q10, Carnitine, Ribose, Taurine, Terminalia, Thiamine, Magnesium, and Hawthorne Berry).  Cardiovascular Immune Modulation with Pentoxifylline, Reverse Cholesterol Transport with Phosphatidylcholine, Organic Pollutant Toxicity, and Methyl Cycle Dysfunction are briefly discussed.

Integrative Cardiology for the Chelation Physician - Part Five   
"Doctor I Can't Take a Statin" covers Nutraceutical Approaches to Lipid Reduction (Red Yeast Rice Extract, Bergamot, Amla, and Delta Tocotrienol).  Factors that influence liver generation and clearing of LDL Cholesterol are reviewed, along with the synergy between Berberine and all other agents that lower Cholesterol.  The five part presentation is then summarized.

An Introduction to Integrative Cardiology - Fall 2017 PCCA Meeting - Ninety minutes   under construction

Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation - Part One      

Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation - Part Two      

Chronicles of Berberine (Summer 2014) - Three part presentation:

DVD One - Berberine in Lipid Management

DVD Two - Berberine in Diabetes Management and Berberine in Inflammation (Part One)

DVD Three - Berberine in Inflammation (Part Two) and Berberine in Cardiovascular Disease

Carotid Artery Intima-Media Thickness (IMT) - Part One         

Carotid Artery Intima-Media Thickness (IMT) - Part Two   

Testosterone - The Heart Hormone for Men - Part One       

Testosterone - The Heart Hormone for Men - Part Two

Enhanced External Counterpulsation (EECP)      

Nutritional Approaches to Heart Failure and Coronary Insufficiency (Bioenergetic Support for the Tired Heart)      

Drug and Device Approaches to Heart Failure and Post-Heart Attack Outcome        

Nutritional Approaches to Heart Failure and Post-Heart Attack Outcome       

EDTA Chelation Therapy in Cardiovascular Disease (2007) 

Mercury - Biochemistry, Toxicity, and Treatment - Part One     

Mercury - Biochemistry, Toxicity, and Treatment - Part Two     

Immune Mechanisms of Atherosclerosis and Heart Failure - Part One     

Immune Mechanisms of Atherosclerosis and Heart Failure - Part Two 

Immune Mechanisms of Atherosclerosis and Heart Failure - Part Three 

Antioxidant Vitamins - The Cornerstone of Nutritional Cardiology (2007)      

Vitamin C and Lipoprotein(a) (2007)        

Essential Fatty Acid Support (2007)